enjoy the deep confidence of 意味

  • ~の信任{しんにん}が厚い


        enjoy the confidence of:    ~に信頼{しんらい}されている、~の信任{しんにん}を得ている
        enjoy one's master's confidence:    主人に信用されている
        enjoy someone's confidence:    (人)に信用[信望]がある、(人)の信任を得ている
        enjoy the confidence of the nation:    国民の輿望を担う
        enjoy the confidence of the president:    社長の信頼が厚い
        deep seated lack of self-confidence:    
        deep-seated lack of self-confidence:    根深い自信{ねぶかい じしん}の欠如{けつじょ}
        confidence:     confidence n. 信用, 信任, 信頼; 自信, 度胸; 確信; 秘密. 【動詞+】 I cannot abuse the trust and confidence that he places in me. 彼が私に寄せた信任を悪用することはできない acquire confidence in oneself 自信をつける He betraye
        confidence in:    ~への[に対する]確信[信頼]
        in confidence:    内々{ないない}で、内緒{ないしょ}で、秘密{ひみつ}に This information was given to me in confidence, so I can't tell you anything. この情報は内々に知らされたものなので、あなたに何も教えることはできない。 The draft is provided in confidence and the recipient
        in the confidence of:    (人)から信頼{しんらい}されて、(人)の機密{きみつ}に関与{かんよ}して
        in the confidence that:    (that 以下)と確信{かくしん}して
        no confidence:    {名} :
        no-confidence:    {名} : 不信任{ふしんにん}
        with confidence:    胸を張って、自信たっぷりに、自信を持って、敢然{かんぜん}と


  1. "enjoy the current moment" 意味
  2. "enjoy the day of golf despite one's score" 意味
  3. "enjoy the day of golf with" 意味
  4. "enjoy the days of rest and relaxation one justly deserves" 意味
  5. "enjoy the days of rest and relaxation which one justly deserves" 意味
  6. "enjoy the delicacies of the locality" 意味
  7. "enjoy the dividends of peace" 意味
  8. "enjoy the dividends of peace in the post-cold war era" 意味
  9. "enjoy the double pleasure of…and" 意味
  10. "enjoy the days of rest and relaxation one justly deserves" 意味
  11. "enjoy the days of rest and relaxation which one justly deserves" 意味
  12. "enjoy the delicacies of the locality" 意味
  13. "enjoy the dividends of peace" 意味

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